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Sphere In The Heart Of Silence Rarl: A Rare and Unique Album by John Frusciante and Josh Klinghoffer


We all knew the poem almost by heart. It became clearer in the pubs at night after hoisting back a few. It was written by a Celestial Navigator that knew what living terror inside the ball existed. He had seen what the exploding shells of fighter cannons could do to the body encased in the revolving sphere of plexiglas. Only too well did he know the horror of removing body parts with a steam hose.

Sphere In The Heart Of Silence Rarl

There was another place more isolated and desperately alone. The ball was the last place any of us ever wanted to be. You're in a freaking world of your own. And who would want to be in a world all to yourself when the Krauts came knocking, on the door? You would not hear the noise or vibration of engines, gunfire or the intercom. There were only two sounds that could be heard inside; the beat of a heart and the approaching purr of German flying machines. All the omnipotent exuberance of being young and invincible vanished inside the ball. No one was ever in it during takeoff or landing. That would be too dangerous. Whomever was to go in there had to wait until the chances for German fighters appearing got more favorable. It would be hand cranked around until the two machine guns pointed at a 90 degree angle away from the belly. The victim would squeeze into a sphere about three feet in diameter and assume a fetal position. The crew above would screw the top back on and then he would be gone, to the rest of us, until we unsealed him before landing. Once secured he would rotate it to face the approach of the enemy. Danforth would do the rotating. It was an awful place.

f" """ r ""5," y7-nff''f - i - -. . --- tr. ' " ' - ' ' "in1 -rv-sdtas1ftaudblieatt.JMottalN5 VOL. XVII.WASHINGTON. D. 0., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1877.NO. Si.SMHSVtTILDEN SQ0ELC1IED.the man TiummAL renders its0OLEMM VERDICT FOR HATES.Ylorlda, the Stronghold of the Democracy,Yields to the Tonoh of Juetlce and RightI The-Latt nn of th Dying Copperheadscenteittraveeii on cronm Animated u.bate of the Arbitrator! In Secret Beeelon.Tnx Electoral Commliitoa'met at 10 o'clockyesterday, and at once resolved to close thedoors for consultation. Except at a matterof form the motion was unnecessary, aa thedoors had not been opened, and there wu noone present bnt the member! and officers ofthe commission. It It well understood thatthe debate wu very exciting durte; the firstpsrf f the sitting. At a quarter of two a receeawaa taken for half an hoar, and aithemembers came out they refused to give anyInformation beyond the statement that noconclusion bad been reached. Shortly afterthe sitting was resumed It began to be rumored that a conclusion haa been reached, anathat It wasrATOnADLB TO TITC RATES ELECTORS.As time passed and no decision was announced,xA there were no etcus of an adjournmentthe correctness of the report began to be questioned, but rumor explatoed that there wassome discussion aa to the wording of the dcelston, but that there would be an announceipent of the result soon A crowd, mostlymembers of the press, waited and watchedeagerly for the final announcement, but at sixo'clock another recess of an hour was announced. During; reoces It was pretty wellascertained that In the main rumor had beenright. The Commission did not again assemble tni nearly half. put eercn, Mr. Iluntoa being the last to return. At eight o'clock theCommission, after baring4, I RIMOVZD THE INJUNCTION OP SECRECr,so far as related to the result, adjourned tomeet at 3 o'clock to-morrow fixing that hourso as to be In readlneos should the joint conlent Ion of the two Houses hare by that timereferred any fresh parers to them to takethem up, and arrange forproceedtngatberton.- It then appeared that the session, up to 3r o'clock, had been spent In debate, at whichtime Mr. Edmonds submitted a proposition,in subitanoe declaring the four Hayes elestorsduly elected, and their votes the proper ones,under the Constitution, to be counted, andgiving In detail the reasons on which this cooelusion was reached. Some objection wasmade to the form of the resolution, and conaider able debate ensued, which was finallycut off by aRESOLUTION TO CLOPE DED1TIat 0 o'clock.Mr. 11UNT0N offered a substitute declaring,ihe Tllden electors the legally and constitutionally appointed electors of the State,but this was voted down by the followingvote: Teas, Messrs. Abbott, Bayard, Clifford,Held, Hud ton, Payne and Thurman, 7. NaTs,Messrs. Bradley, Edmunds, Frcllnghuyeen,Garfield, Hoar, Miller, Morton and Strong, 3.The objection to Mr. Edmunds' motion being,mainly that It embodied the reasons, which Itwas thought should only be given In the written decision sent to the presiding officer of theJoint Convention. Mr. Oabfield suggested a'-. simple resolution declaring the Hays electorsthe legally appointed electoralMr. EDMUNDS thereupon withdrew hisproposition, and Mr. Garfield offered thefollowing:the decision.Jtttotrri, That the four persons, to-wlt, Frederick O. Humphreys, Charles M.I'earce, William,11. llolden and Thomas W. Lang wars duly appointed electors oi President and Vloe-Presidentlor the State of Florida, and that the votes cutty the aforesaid four members are the votes proTided for by the Constitution of the United States.The resolution was adopted by the samevote by which Mr. Huxstox's was rejected,viz:YEAS Judges Bradlet, Miller andSTROfca, Senators Kduunds, FuxusonuTen and Morton, and Ileprcsentatlree Gabvjilp and Hoar 8.NAYS Judges CurrORD and Field, Sen.ators Bayard and Tiiuruan, and Representatives Addott.Hunton tndVATNE.Mr. GARFIELD offered a resolution whichwss adopted, that Messrs. Edmunds, Millerand Bradlet be appointed a Committee toJ raw up the decisionO TOEBCBMITTED TO Tilt JOINT CONVEX-TIONof the two nouses, which was adopted, andthe Commission took aaotber recess, abovereferred to, for an hour to allow the Committee to prepare their report.After reassembling tne decision was agreedto by the eight actio? In the majority, and directed to be sent to Vice President Ferrt asthe presiding officer of the Joint Convention,sud notices were prepared to be sent to thetwo Houses, respectfully notifying them thatthe Commission had come to a decision,which notice will be sent t3 them on theirreassembling at ten a. m. to-dsy,Throusrhout the day the Interest In the actionof the Commission by thoseABOUT T1TK CAPITOL"was very intense, and every man was askingevery other man for the latest news from thatsource, and partlzan hope or fears rose andfell with the changing rumors. The- faces ofthe members of the tribunal occasionally madet their appearance, and at the first recess, an111 omen as drawn from the tired and excitedappearance of Mr. Garfield, bdt which wassubsequently explained by a report of a fierceencounter In debate that be had passedthrough with some of the Democratic members. When the final result was announced,however, the crowd bad dwindled down toperhaps a dozen who had been prepared by3tbe repeated rumors for the announcement,f'fcut who, nevertheless, felt relieved when theVreanlt was officially and unreservedly aril uounced by the members of the Commission.. T I- rnt.,l th.t Id. KAiitidna nf th vnt.will progress to-day as far as Louisiana, andthat State will be sent to the Commission, reopening the field of labor for the lawyers andCommission. It Is, however, conceded thatJn losing Florida the Democrats have losttheir best case, aud thatlt will be like fightingagainst fate through the rest of the struggle.Many Democrats last ntjtht conceded theelection of Hayes aa practically decided, andexpressed their willingness to abide by thedecision. There are others who are furious atthe result, and go so far as to denounce JudgeDavis for placing himself In a position tomaVe his selection as the fifth Judge Im-racttcable,clalmlng that had ho been selectede would have gone with the Democrats onall matters of dispute. There were hints Hitnlebt from this time out the Democrats In thellouie would attempt to present a speedycompletion of the count by throwing everypossible obstacle In the way As the resultof sued a course would be In the end disastrous to the party and show a want of filthIn carrying out the decisions of a trlbunslcreated mainly by Democratic votes, It Is notprobable that any such expedients will bosTaorted to.1jro units for the Ueclelou of the Tribunal."The follow Ins! are the irrounds uoon whichtbn arbitrators based their decision tFirst. That the Tribunal had no authority toentertain ei Hence outiUe of the eertlflcate ofthe OoToroor as matuled upon the determinationtfthe DoardoiUanratsers of the State.fiicowD, That the action ef a State tyts1.mlatare or Court, taken after tha aleeton Dalert their vtei,conit be comldered as do e -mining who was appointed olecton.Tman. The evidence presented dTnian, The evidence presented does not showthat Humphrey was a. united Ntatei Shippingcommie (loner on thi seventh of Njt ember,TOE OTHER SIDE OF THE QUESTION.How the HMit Louisiana Committee areAcquainted "With the Character and lUpat lit Ion of their lllggeet Wltneaftes Maddox Not to be Believed Cndcr Oath.The Committee on the rower, Privilegesand Duties of the nouee, Jn counting theelectoral vote thlsmorlng, exsmtnedK. M.Daggett, an elector from Nevada, euppoeedto be Ineligible on account of having held theeffleo of Clerk to the District and CircuitCourts of the State.lletletrd that he held ttie office prior tft the election, but r-ted to perform Ihe dulltanf tbeeamoon Uny, euithe resigned by telegram to Judgelawyer, tb Circuit Judge, who wuii tiao Frnrttco. end sent ano(hr telegram to Jndgelllllyer,the Ulstrl t Judge, at Cir.iOltri he rrtelvvdlelfgnpliio reply fiom Juitir Sawyer, on the limadT. arreptleir, I lie ref I nation. He flll a writtenT'lnallon at Canon, nulilofra It on theeth oflSuvtmbrrt ntas uTtr rccclTetl an nntwer fromJudscrilUjrr.The Com mil tee continued the Investigationof the Louisiana election Imbroglio, thismorning, and called to the standCn AH. CAVA N AC,of New Orleans, Administrator of Commercefor that city, who stated that he was one oftoe counsel for the Democratic party beforethe Returning Board ; knows Key, who wascounsel for the Republicans and attended assuch.noUted that Brcwttcr. one if thf RrpubltranLUCtoia, laiirTtrtintralf the United ttialetLand Ofnre for Loul.Unai and that A U. Levlaa. anothtr ononfthe alrciora, U Unltc4 HUtti( onus 11 oner. Ler !.- acted aa Uommlolatif r aalatoaa Wot ember Mint knowa firewater W bareectril aa late an Nnvcnber 1( th.XyAIr, llnrrhardt Una heard that Voth nrwter and Letliaee hao rctlgneil tlivlr roipectheoITcra.lly llr. rieldi Very few ffUa?ln before theJlvuritwire alfrnrd wiunut croia-marki; but twooutof twenty had erllnal ilgnaluieai there waahutonerMrUn In the State In which the itrofitanil aflattkvlt. atcnmnatilil tlin iwlnrni In n iir.l.lilaw. and that w1n the pariah of UonIbe llemocrata applied t tha Hoard toicanrronibe Board, on hoveinbcr lath.and tne neat oay tne uoara uvciueu. ana uorernorMelU anoonnccd. that they would nut accede tothe rcqutttAfter tome further questioning ss to thereceipt of certain returns, etc , the committeetook a recess. After the recessCATT.C. IHVIH DITTT,of Baltimore wss examined by Mr. Lawreneowith reference to the character ol J. II. Maddox. and stated that the letter's renutatlon asto truth and veracity among the citizens ofuaiumore is not goou, ana witnessOCLD NOT BELIEVE niU ON OATH.M addox'e rrpntatlon for honesty la not rrry roltlihtr. Air. Lnwrcnceoflercd U prove that Uaddox oQetrd to ruroltb aCobfederata rjrtmmt withcloihlDK from the Worth t that he aollcited contrl-uauvui oi ngoTj nu leuaccu. iMKiirTcriDrDiaatfacuiiuk i nil iu. mat mwv'ii nConreirate (Jot ere men t with aunplka,the eiotlilDf t ami alo, that Maodox nirnUhed theviiiinnrai. uuTrruinrui wikn uiiiiiii.p.y. What do ynu know about iladdox'scOQntcHon with tha Cunfedi rata ser1rePThe wtinetl atatcd that he had no peraottal knowledge of the facta ntiovo ennnclatd. and that theonly ptraoue who could Klveproiwr teatltunny uponthcat! polnta were tiencral Bradley T. Jobnwn andhie Adjutant Utueral, llooih. The frtneral rumorwaatbat M add ox did not lurolibtha elothlnjt behad a freed to tnmtih. VTItaeaa aaw ltladdox InNewUrieant In lait MOTnobcr, attho 8t. ' harlcahotel. Maddox told wltoeia that he waa In NewOrlrane oatemlbly aa trTcne airent. but that Inreality be waa a confidential acent of the l'realdentof tb United Matt that ho had a report nearlywritten which he would abow wltncaa next dayithat bo waa acqualatLd with tha people In MewOr lea hi, wboauppottS hlmtobealJauioirati thaihe had rrcelTcd very valuable Information, whichwould v of Rrcat aerrlcc to the renimtttnt of whichwltncaa waa a member and rrqueated an Introduction to llr. ttarileld or Henator Uhcrmant wltneaeluentloned the matter toMenatorBtaermau, whoaaldthat Maddox waa probably not Iruatworthyt wltncaa wtnt to hew Ualrana, at the requiit of thel'rraldent orthe United biatea, to wltoeaa the countof ihr voti by the Keturnlnx Hoard.By Air. Field t Ilea not circulated Injur Ion reporie about Alaodoxt haa atatbd facta, and can'thelp If tlieao facta are lnjurloae to Uaddoxi haawrltleu an ariU tela tho JiaUim'trt Jmerteamor acoluintilu lepgth. coaccrolDjc Macdox; baa becuADKMOCUAT ALL HIS Lira.butTOfedforllajeaaud A heeler at tho lait election: whiiria waa lu tne Coufcdcrato army.Thewltneaa related hie artlcm" at the time theftderal tivona iiasicd lhrvu(li baltluiore. on Aprltltfth.THAT HEW O RLE AX 8 DAXCE.lly llr Hii&rktt While uttncta wai In XiwOrleana be attended a quadroon bait auddanced there; be told bl wtro about It anda number of otfatr laulca and ccntleinen tjlon. Lyman Trumbull waa there alao, anddaiivvdwlihlhe Rlrlit Mr. Sherman aod Mr. UarStld were notthere. but a number of gvntciuen ofboth vliltlDft cotmnlttcea were.Oultr an excited aliereation of the company a roteat tPla jKjtnt bctitcen the tnembcraof thecommllleeand ibiiwltuefr. Mr, bparka batlnf ald that bobelieved J ii1 ye Trumbull would dealgnaifl the wit.natatory uaturr.aod Captain DlVty reply lux withome alum of auxer that If the Chairman meant WIntlnuato that hla (wlineaa') atatoment wit untrue.le (the Chairmen ) auiiuied ionietblng which he hailnorlthttoaumi'. Uciitaten that ail partlea writto tha ball aa a matter of ctirloaltr aud mantlwnatlaa our of tho IXaturea of thu ball, a woman withpink eyei.Ibe latter part of the witness' testimonycaused considerable hturlty.The next wltoiaa waa11)11 K M. SHOIMAXXlt,relilrntuiat)MxerortliAUa)ui Exprt-aa Company lukaltlmorc, wboaUoatttd that beknewa Ataddoxhyklrbtaml reputatlut that the lattcr'enputatlonfor truth and viraclty la bjd, and that wltoeiawould not bcllero blut nnder oath Tha wltneaaatateil tbat the transact lonaof Maddox. upon whichtbla opinion waa occur rid about acren rearnoEnoch Fratt and J. S. Morris, bank presidents, and Thos. K.ltlcb, "financier," from.Baltimore, also gavo testimony relative toMaddox's character, which, though not asposlthe eathat lvcn by the flrattwo wlucesses, had a like tendency.EX-liOlROlt MTaADNS.of riorlda. waa called to the itand. and replied tdqveatloue by Judjre Lawrence mat be never rectUedorbentany telexramaayliift that we (meanIds tho UtpuirllcanDmutt havaL.oullaaa, Florida,Boutb Carollaa by fair mean vr fault never received a telet am iroui anj body ouUlde of the Staterrq netting t hem to aeud carrier for the returnshicltmuat be made to ahow a majority for llayci.Without concluding theeiamloatlon of Gov.Stearns, the committee at fi:ip.m.t adjourneduntil to morrow morning at 11 o'clock.AM 9AM! DE FAULTING CAflUIEK.lie Is roniid Lylns; Senaaleee on tha Floor,ttml the Slotfey Uone,(By Ttltsrapli to the Nation il Bepubllcau.iNDUNAroLis, Feb. f. At Franklin, Iudlana, this morn In jr, It. T. Taylor, the dsfaultlageashler of the First National Dank or that place,was found In the baelc room of Dr. Pain's ofBeeIn an unooaselous and apparently dying condition. He hss been removed to his own rstulenoe.Ihe doctors declarsd that he Is Insane. Ills conditlon Is at least very critical, as be Is subject toto heart disease, lie has no money with him, batsayi lils travelling bag, which wns suppoied toeuntaln uioney taken from the bank, was leftlaacabooat ear. It Is thought that he arriveddaring last night In a freight tr la. llaaayshehas been a bunt ilz yeare. At one o'clock thisafternoon Taylor again became unooniclous.The belief In ranklin is that the loss to thebank will reach $176,000. 1 he general ledger andother books ol Importance are still missing.Till: TKLEOItAPU 1UVALHV.The Atlantlo l'aaine Couipntty Ilea trnl noilIs rum Krectlnfi m Lino Along the O, ft 31.ltoad." By Tclvxrsph to the National llcpubltcsn,Indianatolis, Feb. 0. Judfo Drummood, In bis dec) i Ion In the United States Courtyesterday, continuing the Injunction heretoforegranted In the matter of the Western UnionTelegraph Company va. Atlantte X PaelfloTelegraph Company, restraining the latter com.psay lioni erecting a line or telegraph along theOhio & Mississippi railway, alao said If the Atlantlofc Paelflo Company could make a ease ofnecsKliy be would heir an application for leaveto proceed In the tSlate Court alter notice to theWcitern Uoion Company, but In tha earlier partofhls opinion lie strongly Intimated that therecould hardly be such a necessity.Army Medical Officers,liy the direction of (he Secretary of Wartho following alignments and change ol station,and dutyof oRlcers or the medical department aremade: Surgeon J i Jtandolph ordered to report to the commanding general, division of thoAtlantic, for Assignment to duty. Assistant Surgeon W. K. Waters, ordered to temporary dutyat Fort Colurabtif, N. y, Anlitaut Burgeonsare entered s follows! W II. Uardaer andW F. Jtuehioau, department ef the aoutlitEdwlQ'LIentley, deparroent ol the gulf) H. H,Mckery, to the division or the AtlaoUe; MajorEdwin (). Mason, 3lst Infantry li ordered tore,port ty letter to the commanding genera), department of the Columbia, for anlgninent to dutyas acting assistant inspestor general.CONGRESSIONAL REYIEW.THE LATEST F1IARB OP DEMOCRATICECONOMY.Dudley FteM'a Committee Print the LoutaUim Teatlmony nt avl'rlvat Eatabllshment, and They Aak an Appropriation toDefray tha Kxpenae Thereof An Interesting Trick that Well Meed Some Watching. The credentials of Hon. M. W. Ransom asSenator from North Carolina were presentedand filed.Among tho business of a miscellaneouschsracter trsnsacted In the morning hour wasa bill reported forlthe support of the government of the District of Columbia for the nextfiscal year, which was placed on the calendar,and a bill to amend the Columbia RailwayCompany took tho same direction,Mr. BrENCzn Introduced a bill for the reliefof the churches of tho District of Columbiaand to clear their titles, which was referred tothe District Committee.The Pacific railroad bill, which has beenpending for several days, waa then taken upand waa discussed until the hour for recess,but no conclusion was reached. Very littleInterest was shown In the Senate proceedingsby either Senators or spectators, everybolybeing too much absorbed In discussing theprobable action of the electoral comm lesion.House of iTepreaentatlve.It la the prlvlle ee as well as the duty of amember of tho House of Representatives, toInsist upon tho recognition of all the rights towhich he may be entitled under the rules.He would not do his duty to himself If he didnot so Insist. But there Is such a thing as amember misconceiving blsrlpbts, and when haIs overruled he should submit gracefully, andnot out of spite pursue such a course as todelay legislation, when he la fully aware thatnothing can possibly be accomplished, exceptwaste of time. If members knew how verysmall they look when their actions are Influenced by pure atnbbornneBs,or rather "cussednew," they would refrain.Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, yesterday Illustrated this splto work moetthoroughly. Pending the considerationof the deficiency appropriation bill,on f nursuay ne maae several motions, wnicuwere ruled out of order. He took exceptionto the ruling, and made persistent but unsuccessful efforts to be beard on the subject. Henursed his wrath throughout the night, andwhen the bill came up as unfinished businessyesterday morning, he demanded the read lugof the engrossed bill, which occupied overhalf an hour of valuable time. Mr. Caxnoxknew he could accomplish nothing by this;he did not expect to accomplish anything byIt: herleted all appeals to withdraw thedemand ao that public business could go on,but sat doggedly In his seat and luslsted uponthe reading, out of pure "cusselness." DjesMr. Caskon realize the fact that bis actionhsd not one element of atateamanahlp lull,but that It waa only childish spite I He wasthe only man who finally voted against thebin.Oa motion of Mr. Waldron the Ilouseagreed to the conference asked by the SenateIn the bill to provide for a deficiency in theGovernment printing, and "Messrs, Wal.dbox, Vance, of Ohio, and Roberts,were appointed. The bill appropriates $350,000, and both nouses agree to It, for without the'approprtatlon It was known tbat thework at the Government office could not goon. The point at Issue between the twoHouses was the amendment made by thoHouie to fix the rates of compensation at theaverage rstes paid In the cities of New York,Philadelphia and Hall I more. Shortly afterthis action hsd been taken, Mr. Blackbuhn,of Kentucky, offered a resolution to printthe testimony taken by the special committeeon tho Louisiana election, at private establishments, assigning as a reason, that thepublic printer could not do the work. Theproposition was ruled out on objections, andMr. Blackburn was reminded ery forciblytbat tbla difficulty aa to the printing was allthe result of the niggardly policy (mistakenlycalled economy) of the Democratic majority,of which Mr. Blackburn la a bright andshlnlng Ught. Mr. Blackburn did not get print. If Republican Members are atall curious about the matter, and will Inquire,they will find that the evidence has been already printed at private establishments in thiscity, snd that his resolution was only offeredto ensble the money to be paid out of the con.tlsgent fund. That la a way these honestDemocrats have of doing things they getthe work done first, and then by a resolutionof this sort provide for the payment of thedebt Illegally contracted. It would do noharm for some Republican Member toenquire Into the "true Inwardneea" of thething. Later In the day the Conference Commlttee on the deficiency printing billreported that they were unable toagree. The House committee sticksto Us amendment with regard to thewages question, which ought to come In as anIndependent proposition, and upon Its ownmerits. In the meantime Mr Clapp la perfectly right In not anticipating an appropriation. Mr. Vance was very ready to say yestsrdsy that the Public Printer should do soIn view of the proposed action of Congress,but If he did, Vance and his Democratic colleagues would be the first to accuse himsgaln ol violating the law. "Anticipatingappropriations" was one of the very thingsmoat vigorously urged against Clapp In thereport of last session.The House went Into Committee of theWhole on the private calendar under a rulingof Randall's tbat while yesterday waa stillthe legislative day of Thursday, February lat,It waa competent for a majority of the Houseto take up private bualoesa.A bill In relation to private claims lu NewMexico waa considered for two hours, but waanot finally disposed of when the committeerose.A message was received from the Presidentin relation to a building for the safe keeplogof Centennial donations from foreign governments, and the reading of the memorial accompaaylog It was demanded for the purposeof consuming time, as It waa reported that adtclelou of the electoral sm mission wouldscon be maae, and tbat there would perhapsboa Joint session of the House before the dayclosed. Bat this report proved to be unfounled, and after the reading had progressed sometime consent wss given that tho rest of thepaper should be printed, and the whole subject wss referred to the Committee on PublicBuildings and Grounds. The House then tookthe usual recess until ten o'clock .this inorcJng. COLUMBIA LI IK 1N8U11ANUIC OV HO.No Longer Safe Vor It To Continue !nliieaa Receiver AppointedHy Tclesrsph to the National Ue pub lean,St. Lous, Feb. t. Celsees Price, theState superintends it of Insurance, has appointeda board of special eiamlners, under the law, toappraise the assets and especially the real estateor the Colombia Life Insurance Company or thiscity. It Is also the purpose of tLe insurance department to apply to the court for the appoint,ment of a receiver for the company, on theground tbat tho depreciation of Its aisets,eipedally Its real eslate, has been so great that It isgo longer safe for the company to continue batlness. The Indictment of John T. Douglass, thepresident, and K. W, liryaat, the aotuary of thecompany, Is considered, under the circumstances,a Brest hardship. If not an outrage, and thatsaid action against tbent will not stand in oourt.A Chicago Hen krupt Firm,f Hy Telvgraph to tho ifaUonal Republican. IChicago, Feb, OVCushInjr, Kirk aud McLean, wholesale dealers In boots and shoes, thismorning filed their petition In voluntary benkruptey. Liabilities, eiu,ooo assets, aiw.wo.THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE Sunday Natlonnlltepubllcen,ALIVE, WIDE-AWAKE,aSUULltNNKWSPAXLR,Wlf.LUUIt3SUi:i)NEXT SUNDAY, 1'EUHUAltY Utb.KENATK LOUISIANA INQUIRY.The llayea Elector tbat the liilatan Demorrate are Trying to Hay lie Tells allAbout It.The Senatb sub-committee on Louisianamet at 11 o'clock yesterday, and proceeded toexamine A. B. Lbviski, an alleged Ineligibleelector for Hayes. There were no developments beyond the fact tbat Mr. Levisie wasa U.S. Commissioner until Nov. 20tb, 187d,when he resigned, and waa then elected byhla associates to fill his own vacancy aselector. The witness then proceeded asfollows:lly Mr, Wadlcljth. A nropoaltlon was made towlmraa for a rbnilrirratljn to cm! nil electoralvote lor bamufl J. Tlldtn. On the fourth of 1ccmber lait wltnisa was In Sew Orleans, at theDildtncfot airs. Harlow In Conttauitnople atreet.On that day wltnetedlned out, and returned homeaooui v o cioca in inv CTtnini. sown aa iia went iothe parlor, lira. Barlow and tier daughter being'Itncpia noteeikluKwl ncistoniretC. W. Johnston at Candday a hotelatS a. in. on important business. Johnston wrotetto note at Ura. Harlow 'a honae. Vfltneis read tuaItote, and the ladles asked witness what It meant.Witness rtpllrd he bad no Idea. 'Mm ladles toldlift &kl tha wltneia If ImI ot the note. Witness replied yev. lie then akedwltnrsa to meet S. M. Aiher, or Hhreveport, at Caaslday'o early that day. Witness made aa engageimnt to meet them at t o'clock. Witness hadknown JUher es a banks of mrevrport Ui oreight years, lie had rciently failed aa a banker,and was In NewOrlean. Wltnesebaaiae stronglytniprcrifd with the idea the latfica were rlghIn thtlr coBjrctare, nl eft it refleetlinwtnt and, disclosed to Alsrthal IMtkln nosuspicions l scgrcitcd to the latter thatbe wouldn't propose to bluff the thing off, but totempoilre tOMCirtaln whnthe backer w.rc, andasnienyiiaimsaspwslDle in connection with Ital.olor toepurpoiie of combating other attemptsor the same klndt met Asturat l o'clock: bo wasIberrtwn walked tuerttlred put of the town thesaid he had Important business io propojf 1 wlmunsrncoiirsf ed him lo go ahead i h mA4o apologeticexplanations and remarks, and said lie would mkea alr proposition as a broleri he ihrn presented l1ieffi r, whither witness would be willing to receive acertain sum ofinonr,B4r e ouOorH'.wOi '! refute to rtcclio his cirufleate u an cleotoriwlintBSgave noClnelawawer. and asked sertralqsestUitv, ana rm ly said th e,prlceWBstoosmall and that hemlgbt as wtll receiveo o as 40.coo. 1 bat It waa a big chance to m ikea hlgtbln. thatltonlr hsppeoaa o.ce In ahuudre years that one man Lad an opportunity tomake a 1'icrtdrni, aid finally that Johnstonmight: say to his friends that Lerisoe wasnot unwiniDg to listen to a owo.lttoo, butmat they had not gotten np to his prluv Tit.and left bias, tie anointing theplaje ofmectfanctat night at 7 o'eioik. It was at the at,Cli.rlra Motel, tnrt that nliht again, andas the rotvntn waa full, went out and walked out)J oh it i ton then changed hie pronoBlt'on, and thatwlinrsawoulo be required f capitals vote for Tll-aen. vt itnrsa ten led tost misand put Mm off wit (teinlfiriatnek to fall nrlea of try). t.00 .irr contkrsamn, andJinaiir, aiier moiclose Inquliy, wiutss wanted to know who hisbickers were. Ihenhewcnt off to so his friendor prompter, and was back id half an hour; witnets sikid him whom he had betir to set, and heFi'vkucniinivi iiaiivr i ugu.U llna lin't tnniK Will. Pn.h. nr wlittiV1'uih knowa wltnrBS, Aiher said t03.0u0 was theutmost that could be ralstd liy l'urh or the backers,and atked wltoess to go with tltn the next morningto a certain elaeeen the common and theru theywould meet two ment aa they epprosched the twomen were to come to meet them, fugli wouldbo one of them, and the other would be themoo led man. Witness and Asher went to theplace appointed and mt two men as described. 1 hemsrCia d to be the misled man Witness recognUdas Mr. Hernandet. a prominent Neeurltaos broker, llrrnandes spoke t witness, and wliness Introdeced Ashur to blm. llernandei wished to talk,and wltneiB declined, stylo g UernandcacomdtalktoAthur. as be wss the party to talk to. Witnessthen went home. aRerraaklng an appointment forthe next morning at the hotel. Met Ashur nextday at 11 o'clock and made another appointment for12 o'clock, aict Ashur at 12 o clock, when beatdtn witness that flOO cro was all Uiat could be raised.Witness stuck to Mb rmooo, and bsM It was notworth white to talk about It any more.'Aiburlaa Jaw, a ate business maa and a goodelgbhor. Witness regrets to have to expose hisname. Witness reported alittiinroc;eedlnKS toI'ltkln, as they traniplred, and Tltkta was well satfled with what witness baa done. Has never seenJohnston sluce.Croi '-examined by Mr, BaulsVJrv.TbeSrit suggestion about barlngwltness voteeamcfrvm Mrs Harlow, who s. exorcised her suspicions. This was on the night of the 4th of December, and two days before tne rroranlgitloa ofiug iTiurvf, mt. iiiuit ( tuv niuwn vi nugrantu.rnuimlnittAn rtf an tin-I ni portent naturr, the committee adjourned uatlliiiiBiuurBiusaiivv ciec.WINOIt CAflTAL TOriCS.Cabinet Meeting:At the meeting of the Cabinet yesterday,all the members were present except the Secretary of the Treasury, who was represented byAlt. Conant.The Army Appropriation Illtl.The House Committee on Appropriationsfinished the consideration or the army appropriation bill yesterday. The bill appropriates between fcU,C00,t00 and 24,000000, about five million dollars less than the estimate, and is basedon a maximum of twcnty.two thousand enlistedmen,Catacaay.C cunt Catacazy, wbo was Russian Ministerhere si x years ago, has Joined the Haitian army,and Is said to have a position on the staff of adistinguished General. A few weeks since theCount was In Paris, and attended a ball given byene of the shlnlsr lights of the American colonyIn tbat city.Mississippi Election.Senator Kerman asked the Senate committee on privileges and elections yesterday morula ifto summon two additional witnesses to testifyrelative to the late election in Mississippi.These witnesses are expected to contradict thetestimony given a "ew days since by Mr. Lecester,a Jefferson county democrat, relative to hisfLecester'sj furnishing a duplicate key to ballotboxes to a Democrat la Judge of election at eachpolling place In the county named.lion Alexander ff. Stepheus.The following-report In regard to the condition onion. Alexander U.Stephens was sentto the office of the National hotel last eveningfor the press by his private secretary, Mr. Out.ver:Mr. Stephens continues to Improve, thoughslowly. He baa moments ot despondency, butsoon rallies from them. He rested quietly today, and at this hour, v.30 o'clckp. m., is sleep,lug soundly and naturally. (J. P. Oolvbb.Mr. Stephens received very few callers ye star,day, and those few were mostly trout membersiromUeotgta.WOrriciAL,SrXCIALOBDXR.Navy Dxfxrtmjcxt, jT. 1WaRnmriToy. February 8. lHU. tThe Searetury of tho Nary makes to the Navalservice Ibe sad announcement of the death ofBear Admiral James Alden, who died at SanFrancisco, California, on the Otb of lebruary,lbTT.The life of this distinguished officer was devoted, from bis youth, to the service of his country. As a young man, he took part in the UnitedStates exploring expedition, under the late RearAdmiral Wilkes, and eabseqaently bad chargeor most Important scientific duty la the sirveyof our Pact lie coast, ills later servloes werethose of the Chief of the llureau of Navigation,and the command of our Heet on the EuropeanStation.In every sphere or duty be exhibited the high,est qualities or a naval officer, and wea.durFnirthe late civil war, specially conspicuous for gallantry and capacity on almost eiery occasionwhich contributed to the glory of the naval service. On the day after the receipt of this order, theflags ol the Navy Yards and Naval Stations, andof alt ships Jncomuilislon. will bo displayed athalf mast from sunrise until sunset, and thirteenminute rods will be tired at noon from eaob NaryYard and Station, flag-ship and vessel actingsinilr.Officers of the Nary and or the Marine Corpswill wear the usual badge of aaournlnir for thirtyda) 1. UbO.M. RUIlLsiiN.Secretary or the Nary.-Si" UrricuL.1FXCIAL ORDER,Navy DsrAUTMavT,!W a em we tom, February s, is;t. fThe Secretary or the Navy announces thedeath of Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes, who de.parted this Hie at his residence In Washington(bis day.The scientific aad literary attainments of thisdistinguished officer, end bis acknowledged sba!and patriotism have been long known and apprs.Ciaiea vj ni couDirjuiu. mi uvaiu win ue laraeated by the service and by the people or theUnited StateB.Un the day after the receipt of this order theflags er the Navy Yards and Naval stations, andof all ships In commission, will be displayed atball mast from sunrise uatll sunset, anil thirteenrolDUte guns will be tired at noon from each NavyYard and Station, rug ship and vessel actinglinglv.All officers of the Navy and of the MarineCorps will wear the usual badge of mourning furthirty (IB Jl. (IM). M. KOHESON,Secretary or the Navy,TWO ASSASSINS HANGEDIN TIIK rilF-RENCE OF 4,000 IT.OrLKVfUQ ENJOYED TUB SPECTACLE.Execution of Ihe Everett Murderer at FortTobacco, Hit. The Xsuit Hoars of the Crlra.Inale Incldenta at the Kxeenllon.Charles Henry Simpson and Martin Ilenry,the two colored men convicted of the murder ofJohn W. Everett, suffered the penalty of death,by the modern and refined mode of hangingatPort Tobaeoo, Charles, county, Maryland. Thestory of the murder has been told olten, and It Isonly necessary to briefly recapitulate the facts.John W. Everett, the murdered man, was amost estimable youeg gentlemen, with a wlJecircle of aoanalnUncea In Charles county.He was clerk for John TV. Waring and sleptalone In the store at Pomonkey. On the 10th ofJoly last the store was entered by robbers, nodEverett was murdered by them. Ills sknll wascrushed by blows from a heavy club and deathwas Instantaneous. When the crime was discovered tho excitement throughout the country wasgreat. Had the murderers been arrested thenthey would have undoubtedly been lynehed. Herral parties were arrested on suspicion of themurder and dischargedTUB RIOBT KB.Un September 87, Colonel Uutcblos. of Char.lottellali, St. Mary's county, arrested Simpsonsnd Henry In Montgomery county. They weretried In December and convicted on elreumstan.tlal evidence. December 7th, they were sentencedto death, and the 6tb day of February was afterwards fixed as the day fur the hanging,ASTIR Till BE ST ROE.Since sentence waa raised. Henry and Simpson have been confined In the Jail at Port Tobacco. 1 ney nave eacn msuu icrerai nuicmF,contradicting and charging- each other withbaring Inntcted the fetal blows.During the past few days Fathers WIget andMeatee, of St. Thomas', were with the eon.demoed men often, and they talked freely withthe prleitaand attended faithtully to their religious duties. They professed repentance lortheir crimes. While the gallows were beingerected, the prisoners could hear the hammeringand sawing. Simpson was visibly ellected, butHenry paid little or no attention to the ominousSOU DOS.AH ACT OF JUSTICE.J est Saturday Slmrson made a affidavit thttIn November. IS'0, be assaulted In the night aaold man by the name of Weloh, wbo kept a groggery in the outskirts of Alexandria, Va, furwhich offence, Lewis Manuel, a negro resemblingblm, was sent to the Penitentiary for ten years,wbeie be Is still eonflned This affidavit wassent to Governor Kemper, and It Is probabln thatthe ease of Manuel will be re-examined. Henrystated iwo or three days ago, that he at onetime lived in Connecticut where be married. thatbe got Into difficulty and stabbed tour menand was compelled to nee and leave his wifeSlnco then he has been leading; a vicious life,THX1B LAST PAV8.During the last days of their eonfiunement thomen conieised their mutual participation In themurder of Everett.An, execution In Obarles county Is a rarething. The banging or the Everett murderersyesterday was the first time for flrty.two yearsthat capital punishment has been Inflicted In thatcounty, Ihere has been moon excitement lathecounty, especially among the colored people, evene'nee thecunvlctlon of the murderers.' VIOLXMCS rxABED.It was feared that some effort would bemade to rescue the prisoners Thursday night.For two or three days It was rumored tbatthere was an arrangement among negro roughsof Wasblngtons and Charles county, by whichthey were to assemble at Port Tobacco Thursdaynight, and take the prisoners from Jail by force.The way this waa to oe dene, It was said, was thata magic lantern entertainment was to be given,atwhiQhthe negroes could congregate withoutarousing suspicion, Thursday ,bllls were postedup announcing, that Her. M. Grand (sou of llAlttmore would exhibit scenes by the aldofamaglalantern, that night.This confirmed the stories that had been circulated, end created great excitement. SheriffWade had an interview with tho Rev. Mr. Anderson, a meek colored preaeher. la which he ex.rlalnea the situation of the Btralrs. and state!bat the exhibition would bave to be postponed1 he preacher agreed with the sheriff, tbat uadethe circumstances It would be Imprudent to havtbe exhibition, so the entertainment was poetponcd urtll alter the hanging.AKARMXn GUARD.On Thursday Governor Carroll, sent two casoofarma to Port Tobacco, and tbesbcrlff appoloteand armed fifty aeputlcs,who were placed on guarduly Iburiday night, there bclngadetailoftemen around thejall during the whole night.TUB LAST SiailT.The condemned men spent their last night olife apparently In peace with man and God.Tho rid ay night. Col. L. W, 11. Hutcblne, the1UIIIIUH UIRUI, fVk Aldeputy sheriff, who arrcthem In thejall. They 1and both stated that tne;wno arrestee tne men, visiteuseemed Klad to see himev fell that It was rts-httbat they should be hung, and that they weresatisfied.Henry said, "I hit him, I killed Mr. Everettand Simpson said, "I was standing by his headwith a pistol, and If Martin Henry bad't killedmm, 1 wonia,"Simpson and Henry 'sat up till midnight, onThursday night, and slept so soundly after thatthat they bad to be waked upatelghto'olockyesterday morning lor breakfast. They both atoheartily, their breakfast consisting ot bread, coffee and eggs.Tbe little town of Port Tobaceo was all excite,ment yesterday. At daybreak crowds of country people began te pour In by the country roadsfrom every direction, Impelled by a hoi rlble curiosity to sse the death agonies of the two men.Every sortof vehicle was used In bringing theCharles county people to the execution, and thescene looked more like that at tke opening of acounty fair, than at the tragto close of twoltves.The Jail and the gallows In the rear of tbe CourtHouse were the main potntsof attraction, and wereInspected by the crowds. The execution waa attended bv about four thousand people. Therewere venders of gilt Jewelry, and paper andpencils, who reaped a rich harvest out el thefathering. During the whole day tbe order Inbe town was perfect. It wai Announced previous to tbo execution that It would take placeat two o'clock, but tbe Sheriff afterwards decidedto have It take place before noon.TKSTBROAY KOBBIHOat ten o'clock, the guard of deputies waa drawnup around the Jail to keep baotc tbe crowds thatweie pressing upon that balldlng. Simpson requested that It be made known to tbe public,tbat they were perfectly satisfied with theirtrial and Us result. The condemned msnalsoturned over to the sheriff a number of things,with directions for their disposal. Fathers Wlgetatd Meatee, were with the condemned men Inthe cell during tbe whole morning, and administered the sacrements of tbe Calholle faith.LBAVIBO THE JAIL.At tl 15 a. m., a squad of twenty armed men,was drawn up in double lines outside of the doorrfthejaii, Ibe two condemned men dressed inwhite robes, with black belts, and black caps, andtheir bands tied behind them were led out between the files of men, accompanied by the priests.A great erowd had collected before tbe Jail,and al the mem appeared, the scene waaafiectlog. Many or tha colored people In thecrowd gave way to grief, and cried like children.The eoudemaed men, surrounded by an armedfuard, were then led to tbe gallows, In tbe rear ofbe Court House, one hundred yards from thejail.TUB COURT IIOTJSBstsnds on tbe summit of a bill. From the rear ofthe building a steep Incline leads down to PortTobacco creek. Un tbe summit of the bill, behindthe Cturt House, and against tbat buildingthe gallows were creeled. In Nil sight oftfce vast crowd of people, who assembled to witnesstbe execution. Every housetop aod windowin the vicinity was filled with people, and tielimbs of trees did duty as seats forlscorf s of s n 0tators. Then there was a vast crowd clrclinaround the kill. Tbe gallows loomed above all,THE O ALLOWS.Tbe platform ol tbe gallows was 11 feet long!4 feet wide aod 7 feet 6 Inches high. Ihetwuprights for the gallows wss 4 by 6, and wore lfast 6 Inches above the ground. The cross beam4 by 8, lsw feet leng, with braces on eaob side.Hopes passed through the beam and were securedto cleats below so tbat the bodies could be loweredaftir the execution. The trap door was S feetInches by 4 feet, secured by Tour feet hinges, un 1held In place by a spiral spring with fever attached, which could he worked from the plattorm or Irom below. A hollow square or armeddeputies were around tbe gallows. When thecondemned men arrived irou tbe Jail theyAflCXKDID TUB TLATVOuUwith She riff Wade, several deputies and the twoCatholic fathers. Jrrom tbat height they couldlook down upon tbe assembly ui persons whohad come to see them die. Simpson was verynervous. Henry was composed, and calmly surveyed the scene before him. The two menknelt and bowed their beads while tbe faithfulpriests lined their voices la prayer. Theathoyrose to their feet, but said nothing. As a deputywas adjusting the noose around Henry's neck, heraised his band and with great deliberation re.moved from bis mouth a quid er tobacco, andthrew It toons side.TnBTUAr FALLS.The ropes were then adjusted, the black capswere pulled down over the heads of the men.The priests stepped back off from the trap,sherlQ Wade dropped a handkerchief, and adeputy In the court bouse pulled a rope, whichlet the drop fall, and tbe condemned men fell, thedrop being four feet.bunpSQiTtncckwaibrckcnbytbe fall, and hedied Instantly. Henry struggled after the felland drew up bis shoulders la convalsiens severaltimes. He died In ten minutes or strangulation.The bodies were allowed to hang twenty minutes.At tbe end of tbat time. Dr. George D. Mudexamined them and pronounced life extlset.XXC1TSKBBT 1W TUB CROWD.As soon aa the drop fell, there was great excitement In the crowd, and a movement as If theywould presaep to the spot where the men werebanging. Tbe guard about the gal low a presented their muskets, and the colored peoplenear them, evidently thought that they wereabout to charge. This Increased the excitement,and many of the negroes, fearing the bayonets,turned and fled. Homeof them ran Into tbe creekat the foot of the hill. About the same time, aporch, on a hotel near the spot, crowded withspectators, broke down, and this served to Increase tbe Cusrnilon, but no one was injured.At tie explratlen of the twenty minutes, thetodies wererOWERKn IHTO TUB COFFtHSwhich bad been placed under the trap. The oof.fins with their contents were then turned over tobt Joseph's Ifenevolent Society, or St. Tnomts,Charltscounty.a colored Catholic organisation.The members ofthls society attended tbe ex ecu.tkn Id regalia.After the execution tbey took tbe bodies to St.Thomas, wher Ilenry and Simpson, bad requested in be burled. The last seene In the tragedyof the day, was a procession of two hundred colored men, mounted on borses and mules, and withmarshals, wearing red sashes, attending the rerealm, on the road to the murderer's graves atSt, Thomas.Tt'IlKEY.The Various Influence at Work for War orPeace The Itesulta set Uncertain.Londox. IFtb. 110. The Scrrlans declare itImpossible to discus a stipulation for granting theprivileges to Jews and Americans equal to thoseenjoyed by other Servian subject!. Tbe opposition Is actuated by trade Jealou y andcomes from a combination of Belgrade merchant who influence tho clique which furnUheemlnliters for both political parties. Herri dcsnot seriously object to any other of the lurklsncondition. M. KarUoff the ltusalan( usillllcneral, la atlll openly oppfittng txaco. He la n-cog-nlcedas Idemtdtd with I lie plana or tbe Be lave nlc Bocletlri it u billevcl la the bight stcircles that tflMal RuiH earaeil'y ilestrea inacebetween hn la and Turkey, a a It won 1 1 remove acause of constant irritation with Austria, and irateKoitla at Mirny to dral with llulgarta.The Itusilin Bclavonle accletlca d.ile war, believing that Turkish occupation wouldfollow, and frce the Ituitlan government to take act Ire atepa imiredlaielf.1 Ley alto delra to provoke th Hungarianstwilevlng that the Kleavoalans In Auttrla mutttriumphant If aroused ty any overt act uf the Hungarian mlnu,1ty, 1 h tiuekiWm of peace orwar bancs upon the relative strength ofthei laRueac exercised la Belgrade bodlclal and unofficial KuMta.Feurihonaani men left lltlgraAeen ThurslavforOladova. The ttcrrlani &iu ua.cntrllntf aatheir forces In that quarter.TCHKBTIBStXS AC tkCULAnnw TUB FAILIRE OFTUElONrEHEME,COKftTAHTlxorLK, February . The clrcniar of(he Torteon the failure of Hie Confircncr, datedJanuary Sfith, afUr recapitulating the argumentsJusttfrlrg th rejection or tbe proposals of thepowers, comments In a verv cntrraptuoni tone onthe astert'on made by (Jcncral Igaitleff at tbe floalsttflugof theConfircnce, that the Tortcby Its action bad virtually abrogated the treaty of Tarls.Ihe rortedec'ares nothing woald hat 0 been cutlerfor Uie Turkhb (..: jatra If tbty bad comlderedsuch course expedient, then to suow hat GeneralIgnntlrSTa assertion waa defective loth In formaud suUtsnce. Thed1egate, however, remalmdsilent, as Ueneral IgneUefTe rt marks wr Irrevalent to the subject of the con ft n nee, Tho Europeandelegates, by their silence, a-ar an nnequlvncalsign 01 aitunliiiurnt at tbe language lu wutchtieeeral IgaaiUff prt tended to ex pre is thetieasufthe whole confi renew.At'STltlA.Effort to rorui st New Hungarian Cabinet.Vienna, Feb. 0. Baron Senneyey, leaderof tbe Hungarian Conservatives, and HerrVouSiekhely, President or the Court of Cessation,arrived here to-day to open negotiations respeculog I he formation of a new Hungarian Cabinet.Cable Pots.A dcrpatch from Vienna to the Standard v.Krtstrat the Chler or the St, Petersburg Pressireauhas been dismissed by an order of theCisr, for permitting Journals to use language de.trlmcntal to peace and concord with friendlygovernments.The Titmpo announces that tbe King has signed a decree dissolving tho Senate and orderingfresh election!.Detailed reports of tbe speeches made Thnrs-dlv bv rarl Oranvlllc. In tho llniinnf the Marquis of Hanlngtou, In tbe House ofvJonnnoriB, snow mat toe unerai party 1 menusto uphold tbe view that England should enoperate with the other powers for the coercion orTurkey and even cooperate with Itnsna alone, 11the other powors declined to act.The Hark Dot to, from London for Haltlmore,collided with a trench fishing vessel off UeachyHead on Wednesday, lloth vessels sang, andfour sailors of the i reach one were drowned.Mews orrorelgn Diplomats Vpen EnglishPolitics.The foreign Olplomatlsts hero predict thattbe Disraeli Ministry will be beaten on tbe firstvote In Parliament. It Is br lleved here tnatLordSalisbury must quit tbe Cabinet that Disraeliwill be defeated, and tbat Karl Derby will probably replace him as Frlme Minister to England.The opinion is also prevalent that Parliamentwill be dissolved! tbat tbe Tories wilt be still retained lu authority, but w!tb a diminished major.Ityj and that In any event tbe Liberals will notbe able to form an admlnlstratlon.bavlog In viewa reversal or tbe poller of Great llrltalnln deallng with the Turks. In other words, no matterwhat course, England will back up Turkey Inany war against ltussia.ILLINOIS 1.ND1UNANT.The Barbarous Imprison went of Wells andAnderson,By Telegraph to the National Kcpubllcnu.SrniNGrixu), Ills., Feb. 0. In tbe Houseto-day a resolution was Introduced denunciatoryof the alleged ?etlon f Congress In treatingWells and Anderson In a barbarous manner, anlcalling on tbe Illinois Itepubllcane to protest, Intho name or the State. A motion to table waslost, and the resolutions were referred to theCommittee on lederal Relations.Indian Depredatlnna-More Hostile Acta ofthe Isoble Ited Monte Tltletee aud Uncivil-Ixed Wards.CuxiKMKE, Wy. Ter., February 0 A party ofIndians supposed to be Cbeycnncs, made an at.tack on Chases rancbe on Horse Creek, thirtymiles North of this place, yesterday evening. Aforce or fifteen cltttens mustered and gave theIndians battle and drove them off, capturing fourof their ponies No whites were Injured. A delate b ment of the 1 iah Cavalry left Fort Russellthis morning to endeavor to intercept the Indians. Dead Wood, Wr. Ter , Feb. 0 Last night In.disns made a dash on the ranches a. short die.tance irem Cook City killing Ihomas Waldronof Montana and grounding another man severelyand succeeded In carrying away about fifty hor.sts Tbe man who was wounded succeeded lakilling one Indian.b'ult Against Ihe Central I'atllle Ha I Ire ad.Ban ntANClfiCo, Feb.e.-Tuu trial of tbe caseof tho Uult-d stairs against the lvatrtl Pacificllsllioad Company to ret. or er lire percent, oftlienitrarnlrgtof thoroad from tho tlmeofcumplitlonofthe road July IS. js&, to October !, 171,coumemrd In the Lulud estates Circuit Court lo.tlay, Ibe smnunt lnolved Is 011a million eighthundred and ihhiytlx tbomaud six hundred andIhlrl r-ttit dollars.The;intciOfcaulu Canal Humor Denied.NkW uitK, lib. P. -Thu 1 tat event tloit theM 1 1 thsseitercd Into a contractwith lltHry Meigs to build an Inter Uceauk ramiIn denied by the m In later of that Government luatblugtoii, lr. Melee has, as many others haveilvue, uiailn a proposition, asking lor runnrlniiIn ineimlidlDg oftna.caual, but none bate bittigrautcd ta navbudyAnother Erring Caahler.MOMiu-sx, 1a., Feb. 9,-Tbi accounts of Natl aa b, It-nlHliH. cathler of the First NationalHank ol this place, have been examined, Thafact Is appa rest tbat aimoit from tha day of thatl.entulm wss wade eaiolcr of the bauk he has car.rli-d on a trkteiD or robbery,Ihe hauling housu ofn, Lenhelra A Hon, thelattir being alhait Lrnhlem. I of Urunt Bend, hasbrut fores I to eloo on account of a ran.Dealer lit Counterfeit Money.1 Uy leltgrsr1' to the National Kepubllcau.CINCINNATI .. February 9. Alfred Taylor,Win. Bucklty alu Murphy, James Jones and Vincent WooK all colored, were arrested te-dJ),ebargid with dealing In counterfeit money, It IsaiMiltd ihey ham tarn shaving the ten dollarcounterfeit uolt-s of the Matluual Bank of HvuOc,Indian.STATESMEN ON A SPREE.LTBIAN TRVJiniTJlX AMD KX-OOV. FAXU Kit IN A N. O. DANCK HUtTiE.Llttlefleld'e Bewitching: Claadlnc, PalmerAlluring AspaeU ana TratnbuU'a Kjttelne;LI aa Something JUcti and ItAcy About tbeLouisiana Mission of Great Men WH1Dudley Field Issue lite Bubpoeima and Investigate? The Democracy Is ungrateful, Toor Littlefield has lost not only hU Republican friends,by his bald treason, but bis new.fouad Democratic friends, by his Inutility as a witness.Msddox has lost on the one sUe his post asspecial agent, and wou a wealth of abuse fromthe other lor bavins: ensnared tbat othsr side''Into believing; his disclosures were veracious.Tbe orcan of the Klcholls party, which heprofessed to wish to befriend, IbeN'cwOrlesns Democrat, shows him up tints' Issue or"""the Sd Inst. Ills domicile Is thus described tIt Is a house situated la a psrtortbecUy not domleanS bv acvcrltf of morels or prudery of deportment. It Is what 1 known simply a a lodgingbouiet tbat Is lo ssy, a bouse wure furolhd roomsare let. it Is kept by a pretty little lady w(.om firstname Is Claudlue. aud whose Wit name li Concealedtxhlnd the miaterlois vclt which Sometimesshrouds Ibe personal history of ladies wbo haveloved not wisely tni too wall. Dot It mustnot be topposed tbat this appellative daSclencym rrsaroeo. as aetrtmcntai u ncr cnanciT lthat mystical ctrcle of which she Is coatlderedone of tbe brlgbtcit ornaments. In lbort,'laudIneIs an octorouu, or a very light quadroon, aul to theo'toroou or tbe quadroon a latitude, not ti say IIcenie, of conduct la pi tmltitd which Is alwiietuerdenied 10 their while alitf rs wt-0 dcilre to trecrvathe sppearacc of dvctncj and fair mute,loan elegantly furnished apartintnt of the fairtl'udlno'a house, the gculal Maddux luslalUdbltnKir.It will be remembered that Llttlefleld wasforced to confess tbat In addition to bis pursuit as a pool-keeper for a time, he ws andIs living In concubinage In New Orleans. Illsvirtue experience! no shock, therefre, InrastlDc; with Maddox, wbo did not Insist In hisprivate covert upon what the LouUuui Pernucracy bellow fur, by platform, "white civilization." The Nlcholls organ proceedsto relate a pungent biography of Maddox, and we do not marvel that his confederate later, Flckctt, should have admonIshtd the Democratic chiefs, l'attoa aud Zachette, that Maddox should be watched. ThoKnott. House Committee, doubtless, concurho less la that opinion now, since Maddox, lufruitlessly trying to pro re certain HepubUcans knaves, has achieved that distinction forhimself and made superlative donkeys of thecommittee. But the recoil is cot simply here.Llttlefleld has testified to the prcsenca ofPalmer snd Trumbull at a quadroon ball.The cbaate Maddox appears to bave been Itsgrand manager, says the N'lcbolls organ.Maddox was acquainted with New Orlcaqi so-clcty-atIrast with that phase of ew Orleans society w bleb 1 urnUbesTUB A SIM 81 A R. TUB LJtIB. ASD TIIX rVATXX4of graceful and voluptuous f una and modlScd complexion. To his pretty landlady Cleudlne he Imparled lit plan, and she entered Into It wlia beceinlug appreciation and spirit. Nothing was easierthan for her to asie table together tbe moit charmingasd the moat attractive of the quadroon and octoroon beauties or New Orleans-beauties who, to tbeplciuaney and grace of Haldec, aud the enticingcontour of Dude, added tbo polish of this refurct4society, and the enticing ways of womenACCriTONIU TO BE WOOED AtD SOT C3CSIDTODKIKO Wul,The bight was fixed and tbe Invitations, not'written upon gilt-edged paper, with a nct littlecrow-quill, slight ana new," hut dooe up lathelatest fashion of tinted 1 metope, scented withntIUJvr, were duly dispatched to the bored andweary statesmen li 1 uvlut ta ar thaLtheyaccepted with alacrity.The party proceeded to those "ta'ts of daxillnglight,' thoac glided and tspistrled saloons whichwre to beTUB TARAblSE O.F TUB HOLT It,aud where they were to gaxc upon tbe bonrle uponwhose facile charms llittr fancy bad so often dwelt.Hire, smld the smiles of beauty, they would patsthe happy moments, as l'erleltl with Aspttls, orDemottbtncaatlhufeitof Lais. But, mora fortudate than thrlr UrecUn prototypes, to whom asparkling vintage was unkcown, and for whom theatatcly quadrille, the oluptuous walls, or the livelygalop bad not been lamented, the 'vUltlng statesmen1' could chase the golden.footed hours throughthe wavy aurgea of tbe Boston, or could drink sweeest Inspiration from the auihlertluted goblet ofihampagne which had gained more than Its own exhilaration fromTUB AU01101S TOICI1 or DEALTY'S TUIUSTTLI I'.Claudlne had done no discredit to her promise ort.ibe ot caion, and aladiox supplied an abundantsupper and uuitluted wine.Even statesmen must turn from crave dutiesat times. We ice a newfllush on the greatPalmer's cheek, a new mo 'stare on the lipand In tbe eye of tbe solemn Trumbull, a resthen ess of deportment Iti both, which the discipline of staid years is Impotent to control.We suspect they quiteTHAW Zl INTO LAX1TT,But they have congealed back Into proprietynow, and just after tber submit an austereopinion on Louisiana In favor of the Democracy there, the organ of tbat party betrays themIn a naughty, naughty scrape which deuotcsthat tbey were pursuing Inquiries lo otherchannels tbsn that of the Keturnlng Board,Is each "an Alclblades with a Solon's facetWho would have susjtected that there was somuchHOLMCKT WANTONNESSIn them 7 Tbey are trying hard to be Democratsana 11 may ue a pan 01 ineir training to succumoto the tradltlnal cuttoms of their southernoretnren. After having imprecated tbo " nig.ger" all day, the beautiful forbearance exhibited lu clasping tho modified "nigger" orquadroon at a bapnloball, Is somewhat characteristic 01 tne ur leans democrat, ana wo arecow able to rate the politics of Messrs. Palmer and Trumbull quite ss highly as theirethics. And we are chiefly lulebtcd for ourIcnowledco of tbe adventure set forth, to the"official organ" of the gins; tbey staul apologists for.Arrest of hu Iiiaurance Broker,Bostow, Feb, s. -Joseph Dyer, of Dyer Bret.,Insurance brokers la this city, was arrested yesterday for fraudulently blaclig fS,ooo InsurancewIlheoupenltBUot autuorUvd todo buunis luthis Hla te.Fire lu Vermout.Swan TON, VT., Feb, e-Sereu bultdlnre weredestroyed by the Are here last night. Including Ho-rrle'Bblock, the largest uulldlnjrlu tbo town, Tbe( aggregate M.Ouo, wliktt raugafrom fi.Onot? is, wo. The Insurance court about two-thirds ofhi lots.Crnelty to thlldres.l'ocoiihxxrsix, N. V., Feb, 0. in the uwoThel'eopte against Murra), or Murray' Circus,furcroiliy to chlMrm In th persons of tho yoniU.fulatiolas, tbedefendaut oemnuls trial, aud t hicats has bun put down fwr the alaixb Urm,The Most Uaborate Church In New HnglitiidBoston, Feb. ,-Th w.w Trinity EpiscopalChurch, whUhhaiJustbetncompIeted by the congngalloiiof ItiV. l'hillln Brooks. wasconwcraUtllila iiHritlug, Tin' building cost Jo um, and teWine, W'omeu and Crime.TlLXDO, OHIO, y.l). 9. Last alsht A, XI.eteiens was shot and killed attbe letter's saloon, suininiii, who kept a dUreputable house, had married Stevens' wife while thelatter wss serving a two years' iraarUonment. Ihelaen had been drinking, aud turrelled about thewomsu.The Hartford Hank rail ore.HAttTroao, c'ovx., leb. 9. -The lavestlatleabytba directors of thu anuers and Hechanies1National Hank shows that uo doubtful paperbeyond the amount tint exported has been found,while some or lto collateral prove to be betterthan anticipated. It I claimed by the dlreetortthat Ihaloss will proiiably ant exceed the turpi usorS30u,eo(, initeaaof cuttlujrlutotbe capital alio,as had beeu leared.TlieriHSTNUMJiMtOFTHEBunday National Kepubllcan, A LIVE, W1D&AWAKE,MODERN NEWSPAPER, WILL HE ISSUEDNfcXT SUNDAY, PLUUKAKY IStb,,yrha S r;.xV 2ff7e9595c

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