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4 Qul Shareef 11 [epub] Download Rar Ebook Full Version


On the ways and means of preparing for the Ṣalāt. 4 Qul Shareef Pdf 11 is a complete guide to preparing for Ṣalāt, which includes the etiquette of ṣalāt and its implementation, its times and place, as well as prayers and sermons related to it. It also includes a detailed analysis of how important each step is in preparation for the prayer. This is one must-read book if you truly wish to master your prayer routine. 4 Qul Shareef Pdf 11 is a very good book for a person who wants to learn about the correct way of performing ṣalāt. For example, there is a lot of information on the etiquette and the rules of ṣalāt in this book. This book also warns against some common mistakes one can make when performing ṣalāt. In addition, it includes many stories about people during different stages in their lives and their struggles while performing ṣalāt. This book is especially good for people who are trying to learn about the ṣalāt in depth and they want to understand what is happening in the different steps of ṣalāt. 4 Qul Shareef Pdf 11 is written in simple language and it includes several diagrams throughout the book. The writing is very detailed and it describes all of the most important stages in one's prayer. It also explains how to be sincere, safe or comforted when performing ṣalāt. This book is mostly focused on prayer; however, there are some chapters that deal with manners, manners at weddings, manners at funerals, divorce procedure and manners during the Eid holidays. This book does a good job in covering a wide array of different topics in a simple language. 4 Qul Shareef Pdf 11 is composed of nine chapters, which are given below: 1. The prayer (Ṣalāt) 2. Eulogy (Al-Hamd) and praise (Shukr)to be recited while standing in the Rukūʿ and Rukuʿ to be performed while standing up from Rukūʿ and Sujūd to be performed while prostrating 3. The complete Eulogy of the Prophet regarding him being a mercy for mankind, praise of his being a blessing from Allah and exaltation of him being a grateful slave 4. Salām to be recited upon finishing the prayer, unveiling oneself and upon seeing or meeting anybody after the prayer 5. cfa1e77820

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